gaaahh~ lesser and lesser updates. no wonder my blog is dead D=< well well, it's the start of CTs~ i'm done w/ my Eng paper~ o3o and my comp lags a lot ...
anw. i hav been... bz. well, NDP is coming up... i mean, the school one. .-. anw. im on the base drum once again. they found the base drum strap so the drum wud be friggin heavy for me this yr D=< my back aches DD; hope i don't bcom like some hunchback aunties or sth. ;-;
recently, feli's mum's lan shop closed DD; that means i cant barge into the lan shop to find feli anm DD; dangg. and now she stays at WOODLANDS. friggin far fr hougang. ZzZz
oh and, did i talk abt yigloo? well it's cheaper than sogurt.. i think. XDD it's like, free toppings 8'D and they hav this buy 2 get 1 free thing. so me and shuxin bought one tgh and the free one for lihui XDD

pretty eh? XDD this is after a few mouthfuls XDD i bought the peanut butter flavour and they took the cookies and cream. it was uber nice! personally prefer this to sogurt. o3o
oh oh oh~ and my new bracelet made up of seashells!

the seashell bracelet! XDD nice eh?
my grandaunt bought it for me~ it looks pretty, doesn't it? =DD
maaan, i love seashells~ <3
oh and on my recent trip to msia~
my father holding the mini red bicycle

looks like a real bicycle, doesn't it?
my father bought this mini red bicycle for his friend =DD
it even have little tools for attaching and unattaching the wheels and paddles and all =DD i wanted one too D=< -jealousssssss-
oh well. that's all for today. imma getting sleepy ;-;
goodnight peeps~! sweet dreams~! o3o
~I don't believe in forgetting my past, but I believe in using the past to build a stronger me and look towards the future~
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